Dental Studio Zagreb | Ul. Gaje Bulata 10 | 10000 Zagreb, Croatia | Tel. +385 91 550 6735 | E-mail

How we work

We devote sufficient time to each patient.

Our approach is indvidual – we seek optimal solutions according to every patient's needs.

We actively communicate with patients in trying to fulfil their wishes while adhering to professional standards.

We work on a multidisciplinary basis – we cooperate with surgeons, periodontologists and orthodontists.

We cooperate with select dental laboratories, each specializing in a specific branch of dental prosthetics.

Sterilization and infection control play an essential role in our care for patients as well as for ourselves.

Before we start an oral rehabilitation process, we provide a pro-forma invoice based on radiographic images and clinical finds.

The quality and durability of our work are imperative for us!

Dr. Lidija Šulevski

Lidija Šulevski, DMD, has been practising dental medicine for 25 years, and she has been running her independent dental office for the past 23 years. She graduated from the Faculty of Dental Medicine, University of Zagreb. She subsequently worked for two years at Dr. Horatio Barba's American Clinic in Barcelona, Spain.

She is member of the Crotian Dental Chamber and the Croatian Society of Dental Implantology, and has attended numerous professional courses in Crotia and abroad. She is a licensed partner of the Swiss company Anteis specializing in aesthetic dermatology, which she is practising along with aesthetic stomatology.


Restorative Dentistry

Composite fillings, inlays, onlays, ceramic veneers

Root Canal Treatment

Curing of dental pulp and root canal infections, manual or machine-asisted


Treatment of changing tooth support structures

Dental Prosthetics

Replacement of missing teeth: crowns, bridges and combined solutions

Dental Implants

All kinds of implanted tooth replacements

Smile Makeover

Tooth whitening, ceramic veneers, lip volume increasing, wrinkle removal


Prvi pregled i plan terapije: 30 €*

Ispun na zubnom vratu: 45 €

Kompozitni ispun jednoplošni: 55 €

Kompozitni ispun dvoplošni: 75 €

Kompozitni ispun troplošni: 95 €

Čišćenje kamenca, poliranje i pjeskarenje: 75 €

Čišćenje kamenca: 50 €

Izbjeljivanje zoom-lampom: 330 €

Endodontski tretman/liječenje jednokorijenskih zuba (1–3): 90 €

Endodontski tretman dvokorijenskih zuba (4, 5): 150 €

Endodontski tretman tro- i višekorijenskih zuba: 200 €

Ugradnja implantata (Miss, Ankylos): 600 €

Protetski dio (nadogradnja i krunica): 550 €

Metal-keramičke krunice: 250 €

E-max krunice: 320 €

Cirkon keramičke krunice: 320 €

Keramička ljuskica: 280 €

Keramički inlay: 280 €

Totalna akrilatna proteza: 550 €

Totalna wironit proteza: 900 €

Parcijalna akrilatna proteza: 380 €

Parcijalna wironit proteza: 850 €

Udlage: 90–120 €

Privremeni zubi (kom.): 40 €

Skidanje starih mostova (po članku): 38 €

*Not charged if patients begin and complete their therapy with us.

A therapy plan and a pro-forma invoice can be issued on the basis of radiographic images.

For treatments exceeding the value of € 2,000, patients from abroad can be accomodated in a nearby appartement at no cost.


Dental Studio Zagreb
Ul. Gaje Bulata 10
HR-10000 Zagreb

Phone: +385 91 550 6735


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